Pharmacy: Medicines Complete

Medicines Complete is a collection of electronic publications from multiple publishers: Pharmaceutical Press, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (co-publisher of British National Formulary), American Pharmacists Association (co-publisher of Pharmaceutical Excipients), British Medical Association (co-publisher of British National Formulary), National Prescribing Centre (publisher of MeReC Bulletin), American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (publisher of AHFS Drug Information).

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    The collection contains constantly updated sources of information in the field of pharmacy and pharmacology: more than 10,000 monographs on pharmaceuticals of various types, the latest recommendations on prescribing, dosage and use of drugs, pharmacological guidelines for the treatment of disease, prevention and therapy, the latest data on the analysis, preparation and development of drugs and pharmaceuticals, access to the knowledge of thousands of experts, scientists and researchers, more than 100,000 links to source materials on original research, scientific articles, reports and studies.

The Medicines Complete suite of databases available at the University as of 1.01.2023 include:

    British National Formulary

    British National Formulary for Children

    Drug Monitoring Checker and Martindale

    Pharmaceutical Excipients

    Stockley’s Drug Interactions

    Agilio: Diagnosis and Treatment Guidance